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Global Optimization of Interplanetary Transfers with Deep Space Maneuvers Using Differential Algebra


In this chapter, differential algebra is used to globally optimize multi-gravity assist interplanetary trajectories with deep space maneuvers. A search space pruning procedure is adopted, and the trajectory design is decomposed into a sequence of sub-problems. As far as differential algebra is used, the objective function and the constraints are represented by Taylor series of the design variables over boxes in which the search space is divided. Thanks to the polynomial representation of the function and the constraints, a coarse grid can be used, and an efficient design space pruning is performed. The manipulation of the polynomials eases the subsequent local optimization process, so avoiding the use of stochastic optimizers. These aspects, along with the efficient management of the list of boxes, make differential algebra a powerful tool to design multi-gravity assist transfers including deep-space maneuvers.

P. Di Lizia, R. Armellin, F. Topputo, F. Bernelli-Zazzera, M. Berz, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 73 (2013) 187-213


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