Multiscale Modeling of the Ultrafast Electron Microscope: From the Photocathode to the Sample
By modeling the photoemission process of high brightness electron beams, we
investigate the role of laser fluence and extraction field as well as virtual
cathode physics and the limits to spatio-temporal and spectroscopic resolution
originating from the aspect ratio of the exciting laser pulse. We also provide a
comparison of our model with experimental images of the photoemission process.
We then present our development of a design for the Ultrafast Electron
Microscope column using the Analytic Gaussian model and calculate the achievable
temporal and spatial resolutions under different photoemission conditions.
J. Portman, H. Zhang, K. Makino, C.-Y. Ruan, M. Berz, P. Duxbury,
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics 191 (2015) 117-130
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