Simulations of Future Particle Accelerators: Issues and Mitigations
The ever increasing demands placed upon machine performance have resulted in the
need for more comprehensive particle accelerator modeling. Computer simulations are key to the
success of particle accelerators. Many aspects of particle accelerators rely on computer modeling at
some point, sometimes requiring complex simulation tools and massively parallel supercomputing.
Examples include the modeling of beams at extreme intensities and densities (toward the quantum
degeneracy limit), and with ultra-fine control (down to the level of individual particles). In the
future, adaptively tuned models might also be relied upon to provide beam measurements beyond
the resolution of existing diagnostics. Much time and effort has been put into creating accelerator
software tools, some of which are highly successful. However, there are also shortcomings such as
the general inability of existing software to be easily modified to meet changing simulation needs. In
this paper possible mitigating strategies are discussed for issues faced by the accelerator community
as it endeavors to produce better and more comprehensive modeling tools. This includes lack of
coordination between code developers, lack of standards to make codes portable and/or reusable,
lack of documentation, among others.
D. Sagan, M. Berz, N. M. Cook, Y. Hao, G. Hoffstaetter, A. Huebl, C.-K. Huang,
M. H. Langston, C. E. Mayes, C. E. Mitchell, C.-K. Ng, J. Qiang, R. D. Ryne, A. Scheinker,
E. Stern, J.-L. Vay, D. Winklehner, H. Zhang,
Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), 16 (2021) T10002.
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