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Proceedings, Eighth Int. Conf. on Computational Accelerator Physics, Saint Petersburg, Russia


We are happy to present these Proceedings of the 8th International Computational Accelerator Physics Conference (ICAP 2004), which was held June 29 – July 02, 2004 at Saint-Petersburg State University in St. Petersburg, Russia.

The main aim of the conference was to bring together researchers working on different theoretical and practical problems of accelerating devices, including their design, construction, maintenance, and use. It is our pleasure to say that the Conference was successful in achieving this goal. 46 institutions from all around the world – from Germany, Russia, the United States, and many other countries - had their work presented at ICAP 2004. 139 talks and poster reports were given by 127 participants. The four day program of the Conference consisted of 21 oral sessions divided into subfields, and one common poster session, which provided enough room and time for discussions and communication.

The best works in each of the ten conference topics were selected to form this volume of proceedings. We hope this book will be useful for many researchers in computational accelerator physics.

D. Ovsyannikov, M. Berz, K. Makino (Eds.), Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 558,xvii-xxi, Elsevier, 2006, ISBN 0-168-9002558


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